Taemin Han, pianist and music conductor, received master's degrees in music from Michigan State University (choral conducting, studied with Dr. Charles Smith and Dr. David Rayl, and piano pedagogy, studied with Prof. Deborah Moriarty and Dr. Midori Koga) and Eastern Michigan University (piano performance, studied with Prof. Dady Mehta).
Taemin has served various denominations of churches (Catholic, Episcopal and Presbyterian) through his music ministries and he is currently serving at Central Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan as Director of Music Ministries.
Taemin has directed numerous concerts for churches, performing many major sacred music including Ralph Vaughan Williams' "O Clap Your Hands", Mozart's Regina Coeli, K. 276, J. S. Bach's Cantatas BWV 166, "Wo gehest du hin? (Where do you go?)", BWV 86, Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch (Truly, truly, I say to you), J. Haydn's“Missa brevis St. Joannis de Deo (Little Organ Mass)”, G. F. Handel's Coronation Anthem No. 4, "Let Thy Hand Be Strengthened", Vivaldi's "Gloria", and Beethoven's "Choral Fantasy." In Waterloo, Iowa, he performed Christmas portion, Part I, and "Hallelujah Chorus” of Handel's Messiah with the Westminster Presbyterian Chancel Choir in 2010, and again with the combined choirs of First Congregational United Church of Christ and First Presbyterian Church in 2012.
In 2023 at Central Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, he directed a public concert, All-Beethoven Concert, with a program including Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 3 and "Choral Fantasy" with a guest pianist, Dmitri Vorobiev.
As an active pianist, Taemin performed Beethoven’s Piano Concert No. 1 with the Eastern Michigan University Orchestra and J. S. Bach's Concerto for Two Keyboards, BWV 1060, along with his wife Miah and the Eastern Michigan University Chamber Orchestra. Taemin and Miah enjoy performing together piano and organ duet pieces for church services and concerts.
Mr. Taemin Han is a dedicated church musician who advocates education in music through fine singing and emphasizes understanding of history and culture of all music.
Miah Han, pianist and organist, was exposed to church music from birth because her father was the pastor of a Presbyterian Church in South Korea. She earned a master's degree in organ performance from Han-Yang University in Seoul and bachelor's degree in piano performance from Kyungbook University in Daegu, Korea. She continued studying organ with Dr. Pamela Ruiter-Feenstra at Eastern Michigan University. She is a board member of the American Guild of Organists (AGO), Grand Rapids chapter in Michigan.
Miah has worked with and under the direction of Taemin Han at several churches in Michigan, performing some major organ works with orchestra such as Handel's Organ Concerto, Op. 4, No. 2 in B-flat Major and Haydn's Organ Concerto No. 2 in C Major, Hob XVIII. Miah and Taemin performed J. S. Bach's Concerto for Two Keyboards, BWV 1060 as soloists with the Eastern Michigan University Chamber Orchestra.
As a guest organist, she performed in the organ dedication ceremony for the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church in Milan and a Christmas concert with the united choirs of five Korean churches in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Most recently Miah presented a concert at Union Sunday School, playing the historical 1896 Kimball pneumatic tubular organ in Clermont, Iowa in 2016, sponsored by the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs and the Clermont Historical Society.
Miah Han served as organist for the First Presbyterian Church of Mount Clemens, Michigan until moving to Waterloo, Iowa. Miah has been giving annual concerts to the Waterloo/Cedar Falls community, entitled "Miah and Friends," with various instruments and voice since 2011.
After serving First Congregational United Church of Christ in Waterloo and St. John Lutheran Church in Cedar Falls, Iowa, she moved in Grand Rapids area in 2019. Miah is currently serving at Grandville United Methodist Church as a choir director and organist. She is a choir music staff as a piano accompanist at Jenison Senior High School, Michigan.
She has been respected and admired by the congregation of the churches and the community for her determination and ability in pursuing high quality music for worship services as well as music concerts at the church.
Miah and Taemin has two adult children, Grace and Solomon.
Taemin and Miah achieved their US citizenships in April, 2017.
Celebrating Concert, Miah and Friends: Americana! - concert program, video clips