Spring Concert 2017

Spring Concert - Sunday, April 30, 2017

First Presbyterian Church, Waterloo, Iowa
Taemin Han, director   Miah Han, organist and accompanist 

"Lord, I Lift Your Name on High"  by Rick Founds, arr. D. Linda McKechine
Celebration Ringers 

"Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven" by Timothy H. Waugh 
Celebration Ringers, Community Choir

"In Ecclesiis" by Giovanni Gabrieli 
Mitra Sadeghpour, soprano  Katherine Osborne, alto
Luke Fosselman, tenor  Joe Greemore, baritone

"A Little Jazz Mass" by Bob Chilcott 

"Giving Thanks" by Pepper Choplin
Crystal Spencer, solo  Sanctuary Choir   

"Maestoso" from "Organ Symphony No. 3  by Camile Saint-Saens, arr. Craig Garner 
Miah Han, organ  

"In Thee Is Gladness" by Daniel Kallman

"O Clap Your Hands" by Ralph Vaughan Williams 

"The Old Hundredth Psalm Tune" by Ralph Vaughan Williams 

To see the program, click HERE. 

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