Take Note - April 2009
March 25, 2009On Thursdays during the choir season, I enjoy dinnertime alone in the church kitchen; a few relaxing moments between preparing music for Handbell and Chancel choir and actual rehearsal. Usually, the dinner is prepared by me or Miah, but sometimes we are so busy that neither of us has had enough time to prepare dinner. At these times I bring a popular instant food called “ramen.” This food is not only convenient but also has many memories for Koreans, just like pizza or chili has for Americans. Ramen has been loved by Koreans for generations as a snack for children, a special treat for guests, and a staple for the poor. There are not many things that can bridge a generation gap in Korean society better than Ramen.
Food is not the only shared tradition that brings generations together. I think food is one component of the bigger category called CULTURE. People who hold common cultural traditions and memories also communicate better and walk in the same direction throughout their lifetime.
Our church was the first to establish a Fine Arts program in the
Our goal is to bring a wide range of music that will bring together everyone from young children to their grandparents. Sharing our cultural traditions under the name of Jesus Christ is an important mission. Your continued support and enthusiastic attendance are always appreciated.
May God bless us in our efforts.
Posted by Taemin Han.