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Take Note - Winter 2022

Posted by Taemin Han on Monday, November 21, 2022, In : Take Note - Central Reformed Church 

When I was younger, I would become a bit arrogant after I directed successful church concerts. I had to tell myself, “Taemin, you should remember this wasn’t possible without the help of everyone around you.” 

Nowadays? I was surprised when, rather than thinking that way, I just felt and realized that this wasn’t possible without the help of many others, no matter how much I worked hard and prepared for the event. Yes, the Festival Organ Concert on Sunday, October 23, was a success, an...

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Take Note - Spring 2022

Posted by Taemin Han on Tuesday, April 19, 2022, In : Take Note - Central Reformed Church 

Throughout the challenging years of the COVID pandemic, we have tried to be flexible and creative in fulfilling our ministries in glorifying God while faithfully serving our congregation and community. Easier said than done!

In Central's music ministry, a small number of talented singers and instrumental players-and loyal members of the adult bell choir-have served as the backbone for our musical offerings during services. As I write this article in late February, I have heard the good news...

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Take Note - Christmas 2021

Posted by Taemin Han on Tuesday, March 22, 2022, In : Take Note - Central Reformed Church 
More than any other time of year, I am aware during Advent of what it means to "wait," though without the benefit of a timetable for that "waiting."  Advent means "coming" and it is derived from the Latin in adventus. With every arrival, there is a period of waiting beforehand. 

I cannot even imagine the patience required by the Israelites as they waited some thousands of years for their Messiah to arrive. Patience is still required of us, believers in Jesus Christ, as we study his earthly l...

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