We recently had our staff retreat, which was Thursday through Friday, August 17-18. This was my first overnight church staff activity out of town. We had a very exciting, fun, and meaningful time together thanks to Amy’s well-planned program, everyone’s active participation, great location, the wonderful facility of the retreat center, and our new staff member Stephanie, who joined us this year.

On the return trip, I was thinking about the retreat. What was the most important lesson I learned from this event? I reassured myself that every wonderful thing starts with a good and trusting relationship between people. Family, work place, school, church, you name it. Anything can be accomplished in a healthy way with good relationships with people.

Now, I am preparing for the coming church year with our staff, choir members, and church family. I also hope we can have a good number of new section leaders and choir members this year. I need your prayers and help in our recruiting efforts. Please look around, talk with them, and encourage them to make efforts to join our music activities. When you see new faces, approach them with an open mind and show our support for them.

I have lots of hope and anticipation for this coming new year. Our good Lord has even more amazing and exciting plans for us! Thanks be to God!