How amazing it is to see the life of nature!  After many months of hiding, leaves and grasses are showing green out of drab braches and ground of a long winter.   New leaves and flowers are so soft -- like a new-born baby's skin.   But, they are so strong!  God's wondrous creation of Genesis continues - on-going  -everyday around us.

As spring is a time of new beginning, May is a month full of the celebrating ceremonies of the church and school year’s closing.   Many will venture to higher education, and many others will finally graduate.

We have a couple of special days to celebrate our blessed music program this year at Westminster.  Wednesday, May 4th will be music recognition day for our children and youth choirs.  Sunday, May 22 will be music recognition day for all adult music groups. 

We will also celebrate all the musical activities of this year with church members by singing selected favorite hymns of the congregation on Sunday, May 29 at 9 a.m. service.  For this Hymn Singing Sunday, you will have an opportunity to submit your beloved hymns over the three Sundays (May 1, 8 and 15) following  Easter.  We will select approx. 7 of the most loved hymns to sing on this special Sunday.

God loves us when we praise Him.  Let's look around.  We see so many things that we should be thankful for!  How can we keep from singing?

The churches with joyful music cannot be defeated by evil spirits or any other circumstance we encounter.   This is our strong weapon against  trials or temptations.   It is also the way of joyful communication with our God. 

Let us thank God for all the blessings he has given us.  Let us praise God with this wonder gift of music!

Soli deo Gloria (Glory to God alone)!